09 November, 2014


Since my dad doesn't follow me on Instagram (hint hint, you only have to follow me dad), I'm going to post some gratuitous puppy photos and videos here for him.  I don't love (or even like much) face book, so I only occasionally link my instagram posts too it.  So if cute adorable rescue puppies are not your thing...move along.


  1. Too gorgeous. Lovely thwacky tail. I don't instagram either, George. Too many sources of info - mostly I like to be in the moment.

  2. I don't even know what Instagram is but I love these little video clips! mum xxx

  3. Those of us in the over 60 mob, particularly those non Apple types I suspect, don't really understand all that next generation bull shit...when you get there, we will be gone, (I will anyway) but perhaps you will begin to understand

  4. Sorry Snork, I have tried but I have no bloody idea how to download it.


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