29 November, 2013


Some random photos from my week (with lots of Loki photos because he is just so damn cute!)

 Ella decorated this water bottle

 Christmas fever has hit Singapore

 Excitement at seeing my American Scottish Blog friend's, Kat, book on the shelf of my favourite bookstore here.
 Still not sure what deodorant yarn is...but at $2 a ball it's the cheapest I can get for my after school crochet class.

Kit, Ella and I had Thursday and Friday off this week for Thanksgiving and Ella and I have had a nice time doing a bit of Christmas shopping.  Yesterday (Thanksgiving; not celebrated by us here this year and missing it a bit) we came home an put up some Christmas decorations.  Although my heart just isn't in it here.  At least we will have them up for a few weeks...only 2 more weeks until we leave for Tassie for Christmas!!!

There was a little cat who LOVED the chaos of unpacking and putting up Christmas decorations although after a few hours of pouncing on everything he was absolutely shattered.
 Ella and I felt the need to watch Elf and make Christmas presents by the end of it (yes, that's our sad excuse for a cat toy  Christmas tree.
 There may have been chocolate involved...
 ...there was definitely cuteness

 (And in case you are wondering, we have to do Waffle, who has turned into mean angry cat, and Loki in shifts...)

Today I had a Doctor's appointment then Ella and I spent another lovely day together.  We got caught in the rain and had to hide low in a mall for a while...

...Ella nearly ran back out into the rain when she saw the front of this Tardis blue truck...
 And we were amused by these "slippery when wet" caution signs outside the Hilton (looks like a jump into the pool caution sign)
 And a typical Singapore Christmas shot...decorations gallore and tropical rain....

Oh, yes, it's just not right.  Meanwhile Oscar had some snow in VT.....

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