12 July, 2013

Knee deep in it

Painting the house that is. Or perhaps I mean the mud by the side of the house.

It's been so wet here, and down the side there is like the battle of the Somme. The ladder sinks in, my shoes squelch about, it is quite exhausting. But the painting really is coming along. After 3 days of it, though, I need a bit of a break, so today we are heading over to New Hampshire to visit my blogsy friend, Em.

Oh, and I forgot to show you what the front of the house looks like (I still have some wood to replace).




  1. Good stuff, and I thought you were are painting...

  2. It's looking really lovely George. You're really making progress, but don't forget to rest up before you go back and start your new job. mum xxxx

  3. It's looking really lovely George. You're really making progress, but don't forget to rest up before you go back and start your new job. mum xxxx

  4. Looking awesome.... what a way it has come hey!!!!


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