27 February, 2012

Home again

It was a rude shock this morning getting up at 6 am to make school lunches.  Especially after a week of sleeping in until I felt like stirring. But in the last 10 days, the light has changed, and getting up at 6 is no longer dark as night.  People keep asking what we did while we were away, and in all honesty, not much.  And it was lovely.

We did get some snow on Friday night (and lots of cold wind) so we had a bit of a play in the snow on Saturday.

Honey dug for mice in the snow.

 We sledded until the scant amount of snow wore away.
 This is up the back of our yard, looking across to some neighbours (who we don't know).
 I was trying to catch the eddies of snow swirling around when the wind gusted. I woke up in the night on Friday and lay awake for ages listening to the gusting wind on our old and rattly windows and the scritchy scratchy noise of the icy snow on the windows.  Made me think of dark fairy tales.
 And on Saturday we caught up with our friends and got to see the (now 2 1/2 month old) twins.

 Remi with Luc.
 Oscar with Camille.

These babies have such different personalities.

Ella was a lot more reluctant to hold the babies.
 Here is Camille in the little hat I knitted for her (Luc also has one).  It's a pointy little elf hat and they look so cute in them.
 And our other great accomplishment was finishing Ella's jig saw puzzle.  It was mostly Ella and me who worked on it, although Matt and Oscar did get into it for a few hours one day.
 Unfortunately, we lost a piece.  No idea where it went.  We tidied Ella's room thoroughly looking for it, but it had vanished.  We suspect that it fell onto the floor and then Lilly cat made off with it as she was quite agitated all week because she could smell mice in the house, but couldn't find them.
Probably the last time we'll all be up there as a family for a long time as Rugby season starts this week.  I'm looking forward to making it up with just Ella and I for a few weekends though.  I may even get back into doing some work on the house.


  1. Good to hear and see your adventures. Very hard to get back into the grind,I bet. Glad to see Ella has somehow acquired my reservations about babies... Very good to see Osc and Rem dandling them. I think even I prefer babies to jigsaw puzzles... They are banned in St Davids.
    Maggie XXXX

  2. I'm so glad you had a chilled out time, as I did in raging hot temperatures in . The twins look so cute, and seem to have their mum's coloured eyes, but that's as far as the resemblance goes for me. Poor Ella, the baby looks really heavy.

    mum xxx

  3. Somehow the Melbourne dropped out of that comment. (which is where I was on the weekend) Boy, the robot tests are getting more and more complicated!!

    mum xx


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