13 October, 2009


One of the things I love about going up to Vermont is the change in pace. I love the space, I love being able to putter around in shops and galleries. Well, this is the first time we've ever been up during "leaf season" and everywhere was crowded. The roads, the shops and galleries, even the walking track. Kind of took away from the experience and the usual feeling of tranquility I have when I'm up there, but we had a great time none the less.

We went to the last weekend of the local farmers' market for the season. Got some lovely veggies and bread and honey- and a skein of wool which I quickly knitted up into a hat as it was pretty cold up there and we hadn't really brought warm enough clothes. [Sunday morning when I got up I thought it had snowed as there was frost everywhere.]

We accidently discovered a fantastic craft show that was on for the weekend. We checked out some of the local towns. We did a bit of shopping. We went to an end of the outdoor season party at a friend of Matt's. And we went on a 3 hour hike.

The hike was the only time I took any photos.
It wasn't particularly challenging except that it was very muddy and required a lot of stepping from stone to stone to stay out of the mud- I can still feel it in my calves and ankles.
It was cold and crisp and really pretty (when you remembered to look up from the stone hopping)
Remi and Mum had a great old chat up the back for a while. It's funny, in these photos the leaves look green and yellow- I can assure you they were more on the yellow, orange, red side.

We were climbing Bromley mountain- the place where the kids love to ski in the winter. We didn't make it to the top, but we got up to the vista. I'm glad we turned back when we did- there was more moaning from the kids coming down than there was going up. Slipping in the mud a few times didn't help either.
We saw plenty of cool mushrooms. I was wishing I had my real camera with me...although this little one weighs next to nothing and did quite well to take closeups of the mushrooms. But not so good looking out over the mountains...it didn't pick up any of the colours in the leaves. And they really were spectacular.
We had a long drive back yesterday (it was a long weekend), but stopped off in Mass. to pick up our season passes for skiing this year (something we've been needing to do- but their offices are only open during the week before the season starts).

Kids are all back to school today- I'm washing everything-especially all the mud covered gear from the hike. Remi is off up that way again tomorrow-his grade has a trip to Boston and we have to drop him up to school for the bus at 5 am tomorrow!!!


  1. absolutely Gorgeous...Thank you for taking me on your family walk in Vermont...i loved every bit of it...

  2. you know what Im going to say!!! I miss fallllllllll...

  3. Nicola Short11:37 PM

    Looks lovely up there. Can't wait to go up tomorrow.

  4. AAhh... serene. Wendy xxx


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