16 October, 2009


It's 7:11 am. Oscar has gone off to school already, Remi is up in Boston still (where it's been snowing) and I'm letting Kit and Ella have a little bit of a sleep in because they are really tired this week. Matt and Mum are still in bed. Not a normal morning- but pretty close.
It's been cold here this week- an early blast of winter in the
middle of autumn. It's 2C right now. Mum and I are off to the city (New York City that is) today in the cold and the rain. That's ok, we'll go to MOMA.
Molly wrote a post about blogging and normality. And it got me thinking about how I just tend to disappear from my blog when there's nothing "blog worthy" to say. But then I decided to set myself the task of finding one little normal thing each day that has made me happy and blog about it. Let's see how I go. Feel free to join in: it could be getting that washing pile folded, having a cuppa with your feet up- anything that is just normal day today stuff that makes you happy.
Today, for me, it was finding these photos on Mum's camera; a photo of the kids taken in Vermont, a photo of piles of veggies at the market in VT (mum and I both love piles), and one of Kit and Ella doing an impromptu ballet performance for Nanny.

Today won't be a normal day for me- I still see going into the city as a special treat!

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