So back we went to the circus that night...can you see those brooding clouds above the mountain. We'd had to pull off the road earlier in the day because it was raining so heavily.
See the tractors there behind the boys...

Ella thinks she's a hippie chick these days.

The kids all got a red nose and front row seats.

They loved the wolf guy. It was so well done; they had a theme of fairy tales and fables so they had the big bad wolf chasing both little red riding hood and the 3 little pigs. The theme kept the whole thing so fun.

goldilocks and the three bears.

Jack and the bean stalk
the ugly duckling has become a swan.
This little girl was so freakin' cute! She had to kiss the frog.

The big finale.
I really like that this is the first circus that the kids saw and can remember seeing. So inspiring.
The next day we went for a walk with Honey. We braved the rain and went up through a forest rail; through lush dense forest and beautiful overgrown meadows. We saw amazing plants and wildflowers.

Then we took the kids around to the lake for a swim. The water was cold (can you tell?) but they all eventually went in.
Remi, Kit and Oscar swam over to the little island...Ella tried, but got a little freaked out half way across.
Unfortunately dogs weren't allowed on this beach, otherwise I think Matt would have been keen to hire a boat and take the kids out. We didn't want to leave poor Honey in the car for too long.
the clouds in the background of the circus tent.... awesome! great pic George. I have really enjoyed your Vemont piccies!