Friday was good weather-fine, not too hot. So that was Matt's day for his bike ride. We travelled along in the support car, meeting up with him and then waiting once to give him a lift up the 15% incline after he'd already done a LONG 12% incline. The kids thought this was great. We're huge Tour de France fans...so they could really relate to what we were doing and were super impressed with how fast Matt was going.
We stopped for lunch at a fantastic Brewery which had a beer garden deck above a river. Really good food and lovely setting. I tried their sampler of specialty beers.

Then after lunch the kids went down to the river to play.

After lunch we drove ahead and eventually met Matt further along that river at Queechee gorge. We went there 2 years ago, and it was amazing going back this year- the water was so much higher and more fierce with all the rain that they've been having. And it was COLD! But such a nice way to cool off. Honey had to go on the leash because she kept running off to see all the other people.

After lunch we drove ahead and eventually met Matt further along that river at Queechee gorge. We went there 2 years ago, and it was amazing going back this year- the water was so much higher and more fierce with all the rain that they've been having. And it was COLD! But such a nice way to cool off. Honey had to go on the leash because she kept running off to see all the other people.
I drove sleeping children and Matt all the way home-they were all pretty tired after a big day.
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