28 May, 2009

Luck of the Irish

Kit found another 4 leaf clover this morning while we were waiting for the school bus.  He gave it to me as I've been horrendously sick since Tuesday with some flu.  I've been going to bed at 8pm (yesterday I stayed in bed most of the day and slept) and it's still light when I crash out at 8:30.  Mum, I promise to take photos of the clover when I'm feeling better-hopefully soon as we have dress rehearsals for ballet tomorrow and performance on Saturday.


  1. arg, you poor thing. Hope you feel better soon. I have a coldsore right now, annoying but ok. Just means I must be a bit run down. NOt enough sleep!!!

  2. I can totally empathise, as I have the same thing. Took the day off school and slept till lunchtime. Feel so groggy. Sore throat, ridiculously runny nose and sneezes. I hate being sick. And we're going camping tomorrow. Thankfully, you've got the four leaf clovers. Hope they do their job quickly for you!


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