01 May, 2009


The good weather lasted until last night.  Well, yesterday was cooler, but still sunny.  Today the rain has come -probably just as well, as I planted an hydranger on Sunday and I keep forgetting to water it.

But we did enjoy it while it lasted.  Yesterday Kit with some of his cubscouts built a go cart which they are going to race this weekend.  REAL boy stuff! (AND just LOOK how green it's become behind those boys!)
And I came home the other day to find Lilly blissed out in the sun.  Don't you just WISH you could be a cat sometimes!
Hope your weekend finds you moments of bliss...


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    That is not a go cart. Go carts have engines. That is a billy cart!!!

    Matt Himself

  2. And really a helmet for a billy cart...what is the world coming to, probably got a couple of those dodgy CT parents I have been reading about lately.


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