03 May, 2009

boys boys boys

This is what a room full of 18 teenage boys (plus a couple of coaches and some dads) looks like (well there were more you can't see).  Yes, we had the rugby club (or most of them) over today to watch a rugby game (an important one, supposedly-don't ask me who).  I made Matt and the kids tidy up-I spent all morning, actually most of the day ferrying kids around to martial arts, soccer games, rugby training and soccer refereeing.  But this was fun.  The rain stopped and I sat out in the sun doing some sewing while the boys watched rugby and then went out and played in the yard. Loads of chips and soda was consumed. (Doncha just love our TWO fireplaces?!)
Kit had his go cart thing (not sure how that went, haven't even had a chance to talk to him about it properly yet) and Ella very sensibly went to her friend's and then decided to sleep over.

And while I was uploading the photo above, I found this one Oscar had done playing on the Mac...pretty cool eh?


  1. OOOWWW!!! Yucko!!!!!how did you get all the "boy smell" out of the loungeroom????All that Testoterone in one small area Hahha... what is with the two fireplaces???? do you have fires in them both at the same time??? rather bizzare but at the same time kish!!!! Great mantlepieces to display your talents...love that pic you have on one..it used to be on your banner...i missed it.

  2. Sort of reminds me of that VVD bbq where we had to have the two fire places, pot belly and the bbq going to cook all the tucker...bbq'sgoing everywhere and I ended up at out patients with a sword cut on my left hand, still have the scar...oh you have a wonderful fun next ten or twenty or so years in front of you. Good one Snork.



  3. Love Oscar's art work, I hope he keeps it up. How brave of you to have a whole rugby team in the house, George (no wonder Ella stayed out for a sleep-over! )


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