30 April, 2009

Thanks guys!

Aww, thanks everyone, I knew I could count on you.  I have resolved the problem by resigning my position.  I just thought it best to get out.  And I feel much better about it.  It was a crazy last few days with nasty emails flying back and forth and in the end, I just think that there are more important things in life than being dragged into someone else's drama.  But it's not been a great week with all that going on, and I've pulled a muscle in my back which I feel was aggravated more when I went to see the chiropractor on Monday.  So I'm hopped up on pain killers, and taking sleeping tablets just so I can sleep-I'll need a detox next week!!!

On the nice side of things, I've been doing my historical society bit this week-I did one session on Tuesday and have one today.  I really enjoy this-combines two of my interests, spinning, but also history, in particular local history and the history of how people lived.  While I majored in history at university, I can't say that I really know that much about it (I remember you saying that to me Maggie about your own degree, and I didn't think it was possible).  I know vague things, but I really think I learnt it all for exams and then kind of forgot it again.  But I have always been fascinated, not with the big picture of who fought whom, but with the minutae of how people lived.  I think that's why I love reading historical fiction-I love having an insight into all that.  So, this is fun.  Getting second grade kids to actually think about the steps that go into making one garment.

We also got to watch a home game of Oscar's rugby on Tuesday night (in between driving across town to drop and pick up again Kit and Ella from their martial arts class).  It had been another hot day (31C) so it was so nice to stand out and chat with parents (the rugby parents are great) and watch the boys.  Oscar was only on for 10 minutes (and I missed most of that) as he had his thumb trodden on or something (it's in a thumb brace now) , but it was just a really fun experience.  His last few games have been in New Jersey  so I haven't made it to those.

The weather is back down to more regular spring temps, which is fine.  While I am now craving summer, if it had started now, it would have been too long for me.  Right, best get on with my morning and get myself organised to go off to the Hysterical society (as it has been called in my family).

1 comment:

  1. Possibly not the last person to comment but I enjoy being first...as I have told you before I have more and more regarded my history degree as the most important "official" learning I have done.


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