29 April, 2009

Ah!  I just need to escape into blog world, with real people.  I have been attacked by two different women in Ella's class this week for not doing my job as class parent properly.  Honestly, I can't DEAL with women like this.  It's all because they didn't get to go on field trips with their kids this year...because there were 3 times as many parents wanting to go as places for them.  I just don't understand how someone can attack me for doing the best possible job I can at a VOLUNTEER job.  I don't understand that kind of hysteria that would make someone send me an email and tell me how "dissapointed" they are.  I only took on the position because the people organising were begging me at the beginning of the year.  Being in a position of "power" is not me.  I just tried to be fair and organised, what more could I do?  I don't understand if it's just the women in this town, or whether there are people like this out there everywhere.  It makes me so MAD.  Sorry, but I had to vent.  Please all of you send me lovely SANE people messages so I know that there are still REAL people in the world.


  1. None of those types in Australia, must be a CT, if not US sort of thing.



  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Am finally reading some Lily Brett - 'Too Many Men' - and am enjoying the insight into a New Yorker in Poland (admittedly the character was born in Australia to Jewish parents) so the parents you describe seem very familiar at present. Perhaps you should email back that the school was also disappointed that no-one had come forward to take your volunteer position and, since they apparently have time to spare, they may like to take it over from you. Or you could just forget it - 'it's their problem', etc. And remember that you did what you consider to be the right thing. This is the most anyone can ever do.
    Maggie XXXX

  3. arg, so frustrating. I feel bad that I do hardly anything at the girls school. Too hard with baby and 4 yr old In a few yrs Ill help, then maybe I can tell ya what they are like here!!!!!

  4. Volunteers should be treasured for what they contribute and they also should be assisted by the school with a set of guidelines or tasks that need to be done, so it's not all guesswork. I don't think it's any of this woman's business & if the teachers concerned wanted you to do anything in a different way or additional stuff, they presumably would have gently taken you aside to make suggestions. Who is she anyway, the volunteer police?? Don't let her get you down & maybe check with the teacher concerned if you're unsure as that will put your mind at rest. from mum (aka Volunteer Coordinator Festival of Voices)

    From mum

  5. Oh Georgia i am so sorry that you have had that experiene...perhaps it is the fact that you are too good at being a caring volunteer mum and they have to try to knock down to their level(ground level) there is a name for it you know...green eyed God of jealousy....my advice..dont let the turkey's get you down...let then "scratch in the dirt while you fly with the eagles" and anyway it is more important that your kids know you are there doing it for them ...thats what matters... not what those catty mums say..(owww i had better smack the back of my hard..not very christian of me to condem like that but it sounds like they have already done that themselves...)

  6. I had a lovely comment from Maggie on my blog...so nice to know she has been visiting me there...thanks Maggie...glad you has been enjoying it...keep visiting me and leaving a comment.


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