19 January, 2009

Winter loveliness

Chelsea asked me yesterday if I am sick of the cold weather and the snow. Not at all. I feel like we're just starting real winter. And I love it. I love the cold weather. I love the snow. I especially prefer snow to rain. Look at the difference a couple of inches of snow makes on the pond. Almost the same angle as yesterday, but oh so different. This was as the snow clouds were pulling out over long island....And this is what is behind me. A world transformed by a blanket of lovely soft snow.
I have been wanting to photograph the fresh snow on the reeds (don't remember their real name) for so long. Whenever it snows I can see it through the window from where I sit at this computer and I think they look so lovely.And I love how everyday things become so beautiful with a layer of snow on them.
And I love how excited this pup is in the snow. She just loves it. She runs around with a big doggy smile on her face, thrusting her nose down into the snow, and bounds along. You can't help but have fun with her.So no, not sick of winter. I am happy to wear layers. Happy to wear all the hats, scarves, mittens etc that I have knit and to see the kids in them too. Happy to be able to sit and knit while I watch the snow fall outside. Happy to put my feet into my ugg boots (and not "UGGS AUSTRALIA" boots which have totally ripped off an Aussie word and turned it into a label...don't get me started). Happy to make hot chocolate for the kids when they come in from playing outside in the snow with their red cheeks. I really do adore winter. That's one of the reasons while I feel so lucky to live in this part of the world.


  1. OH i so love those pictures of the snow...mind you i dont really like the cold...but it is so serene and soft looking...makes you want to run and flop into it....just love the chairs with the "padded" snow cushions and arm rests...and the reeds look like they have fluffy cotton on the ends ...so so pretty i can see why you love winter

  2. beautiful beautiful beautiful.. especially love the gate one. I miss it alot... not the gate but the snow and the seasons there. Looky at my Mum there all commenting away! She is so excited to finally have a blog!!!!

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I don't think you can call that gate 'everyday' with or without snow - it's beautiful.
    Maggie XXXX

  4. I love snow too! And we finally got some in Oslo.

  5. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Nice to see some snow


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