25 January, 2009

Greetings from the cold

Don't get me wrong, I still love the winter weather, but we were without heat for 2 days this week, and that got kind of old. So this week became the perfect week to FINALLY finish my crochet hexagon blanket that I started eons ago.
I had wanted it bigger, but I figured if I didn't finish it now, it was never going to be done.
I'm very happy with it and it is super warm and cosy. Now we won't have to fight over the ripple blanket when we're sitting on the couch.
And I was also cheered by this little loveliness, sent by wonderful sister in law (although I think she should be my sister in craft), Chelsea It's a calendar she made (can't get this to stop linking).

I got a lovely little surprise package from her with two calendars and a little premade book for me to fill in a tin. AND today she also sent me this wonderful owl stamp that I said I loved. I'm lucky to have such a great friend.
And just as well I have these little bits of loveliness coming into my home because we are almost on lock down this weekend. I had to pick Kit up from school on Thursday with conjunctivitis (or junkyeyetivitis, as the kids call it) and Oscar had to come home from school yesterday missing two exams (he's had exams all week) with it. It's one of those things that as soon as you hear about it you start to think you have it. Matt stayed home yesterday because he wasn't sure if he was getting it or not and didn't want to contaminate work. I had Ella stay home too because her eyes looked a little pink. I've been thinking I've been getting it since Thursday, but I think it's psychosomatic. So today I'm washing sheets and towels and clothes and just about anything that Kit has touched! And trying to find an excuse to use my owl stamp!
Have a great weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Love the blanket George - still makes me think of starfish in the rock pools at Bennelong Bay.
    Maggie XXXX

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Have a great hot Hoovy Birthday/Aussie Day from a few hot blokes. You could possibly be Dad's cleverest daughter, regardless of what Em may think.


    Siss (Hoov is using the PhD today) on behalf Dad and Rosy, Grim seems to have already commented.

  3. ohhh how cool does the calendar look there! Yipeee.. glad you liked the goodies. Early b'day pressies!!!!

  4. and the blanket is sheer loveliness... what a treasure!


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