05 December, 2008

The culprit

I solved the mystery of the fallen Christmas tree. A few years ago my SIL, Chelsea, made me some lovely dried apple covered in Cinnamon Christmas tree decorations. They have lasted very well, and every year I put them up. Last Christmas was our first Christmas with Honey and she thought they were lovely too and grazed on them. This year there were only 3 left, so I hung them high up on the tree....And yesterday I found their ties in Honey's crate...with no apples on them. Now there is only one left and it is right at the very top of the Christmas tree. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a chair and climbed up the naughty pup!

This reminds me of a story from when I was young. I was stockpiling easter eggs to do an easter egg hunt in the back yard. I had them in my room, but every day when I came home from school they would be gone...of course I blamed my younger brother, but it turned out to be our very sneaky (and lovely) Corgi, Sammy Brown. He earned the name "The Easter Begurgler" because of it.

I had thought it was the cats who knocked down the tree as they love going under it and playing with the branches and wrestling with the rug under it. But NOW I KNOW. So as I have to go out to my pottery class this morning and Honey is obviously not a girl who can be trusted, I have got her two bones to keep her busy....We will see.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Sam White Errol Frank Uriah Doug Walters Simon Alex Jezalenko the Easter Burglar Brown please!

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Yay! Go Honey.
    Sissi XXXX

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    'the Easter Begurgler' makes Sammy sound more like an Irish WolfHound...

    One Who Knows XXXX

    aka Emma Louise Augustine Touchwood Sunflower Flower-Dogolopolis Mars

  4. ohhh what a funny thing she is! I can barely remember the apple things! Show me a pic! On my new mac trying to figure it all out!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    That's funny!


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