10 November, 2008


20 years ago, this lovely girl was my friend when I was an exchange student in Norway. Hilde made my time there fun and exciting. When things became really tough with my first host family, I went to stay with her family until I found a new family to live with.

Unfortunately when I changed schools we kind of lost touch, but later on, right before I left connected again, and we've kept in contact ever since. But only through letters and emails.
On Sunday she came to visit (she was in NY for work). I was both excited and nervous to see her after all this time.

But I needn't have been.
She's the only person I know who is exactly my age and has a child exactly the same age as Oscar.
She's still as funny and fun as I remember.
The kids all fell in love with her.
I can't wait to meet her family one day.

We had lunch together, then we all went out for a walk at the Cove,
In the gorgeous afternoon light (and it had finally stopped raining after 3 days of it).
And then she had dinner with us before heading back into the city on the train. It was so wonderful to see her again after all this time. And to know that our friendship will continue as we enjoyed each other just as much now as we did when we were 18!


  1. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Good one Snork, a lovely story

  2. Tusen takk to you Georgia! I had such a great day with you guys, in your oh!-so-charming-house, with Matt's impressive cooking and your fun and sweet kids. And with you, dear friend!

  3. She is gorgeous! So glad you got the chance to catch up again! And that light behind Ella is sweet. I miss those Fall colours. Been raining here too. Mt WEllington is all covered up with clouds but we are expecting 26 degrees tomorrow!

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    She looks lovely and how great to be in contact with the family again. I hope that you can contact her parents and you can visit them all one day. mum xx


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