16 July, 2008


Today marks our 2nd year of living back here in the US. Moving on into our 3rd year. The longest we have lived anywhere since we were married is 3 years- and that was in NYC, and Sydney (although we moved house during our 3 years in Sydney). It feels strange to me to lay down roots, but I can see that living here works for us, so who knows?

Do I miss Australia? I miss aspects of it, I miss people for sure, I miss cultural things, but I really feel like I have Australia in me. It's in all of this family-even Ella who has lived in the US for more of her life than anywhere else. We keep that Aussieness with us. We always have a bit of home with us. I missed the US when we were back in Sydney because I felt I had no claim to that life anymore. It's a strange thing. That's how I felt about Norway when I came home after a year. You can never go back to somewhere you've lived before and have the same experience. So you just have to enjoy the experience you are having while you can.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    As they sing all over the world "Tasmania, Tasmania no relation to Albania, Romania or Transylvania...Tasmania..." wherever they may be.

    And always remember what should be another song "Come on Ricky!"


  2. well said George. I feel the same way. Miss Ithaca sooo much but happy to be here making new experiences and "laying down some roots"!

  3. In Norwegian we have a saying that we're born with feet, and not roots (as you know, it rhymes in Norwegian, so it sounds much better..). But I know what you mean! I think I could have settled in many parts of the world! I definataly want to live in Africa again..

  4. I love this Hilde-maybe there is a little Viking in me after all.


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