Today we drove into the city early, parked on the upper west side and went to the Museum of Natural History. We haven't been there since we moved back this time, but when we lived in Queens and the kids were little, it was a favourite haunt. I have to say it was fun to go back and work out what we remembered (and what the kids remembered, or thought they did), but I really am over looking at dinosaur skeletons and stuffed animals. It's good that the kids are older now and can be interested in the anthropology stuff. It was also fun to remember all the melt downs and other fun stuff we'd lived through with the kids. It's funny how a place I haven't been to for 4 years is still so familiar and triggers so many other memories.
And it is such a great old building.The kids are such POSERS!
Actually this one of Remi had me almost on the floor...but that's not uncommon when I'm taking photos.
Looking out south over the park. We had more rain, but fortunately not as heavy as last week.
And I just love these two skeletons...fabulous bones.
After we'd had enough there we walked down to the Lincoln center for the fair again...I had to bring the family in to see Margaret, but we were also going to see a new baby in the area afterwards. I was so glad I had my camera this time to capture some of her work.
I just love this big pot with the face on it.And her gorgeous angel on horse back.
And while Ella was complaining to me about her arm, I got this one of the lovely plates with faces. I love her work and I wish I'd taken more photos, but her stall was small and we were crowding out all the customers.
Oh and a funny little thing...the kids were all carrying on, but we were early to go and see the new baby (Matt's colleague). I was trying to find a cafe or icecream store so we could sit and have a break before going up. Unbelievably there was NOTHING around. But I did find a Doggy Day care center with a big window, so the kids just stood and watched the dogs frolicking with their carer for 1/2 hour. Big ones, little ones-even a puppy. The sign on the outside said "get a manicure, have a spa treatment, relax in the hot tub, sniff a butt." Only in NY, right.
The thing that struck me about today is how un used to walking the kids are. Before I could drive we had to walk everywhere. When we lived in Sydney we'd walk 1/2 hour to get somewhere, walk around and walk home again. Today they all MOANED and GROANED all day. That's what becoming dependant on a car will do for you I guess.
And FINALLY, something I made a few weeks ago...
come on you, make them and sell them on etsy!!!! it is cool! was that the museum you guys took us to when we first came to the US? Darby lost her dog there... I think? And I agree about parties.... I say maybe 4 or kids invited would be best.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story, loved the doggy day care, and Maragaret's work is so gorgeous, I'm going to buy up big when I come cover, so make sure you stay in touch with her. It's all so beautiful, but then, i really did like your belt too!