10 June, 2008

hot and back pain

So it's really hot here. So much so that the schools are only doing 1/2 days tomorrow. Yes, to all those heat hardened Aussies, it's only 36 C...but last week it was only 23 C and the week before around 15C. Summer has hit, and hit hard. And the schools just aren't made for it. I was in there last week and nearly died with the heat, and it wasn't even a particularly hot day. And our BLACK inside and out car still has no airconditioning. We're all holed up inside trying to keep cool.

Added to that, I've really put my back out. Somehow-all that housework last week no doubt. I have been in so much pain, so I took myself off to the chiropractor and was feeling marginally better this morning. But then I decided I must shut all the windows in the house and turn the airconditioning on (it barely works anyway) before the poor little hot kids came home from school. Well, it's an old house and the windows get stuck easily and I wrenched my back and made it even worse. So now I'm a sad state indeed....and did I mention this week is going to be crazy busy????? When it hurts to breath you know you are in trouble. I've got 2 more appointments this week, so hopefully I can get some relief, 'cause the 2 lots of pain killers I'm taking aren't doing much.

Sorry for having a moan, but I'm feeling very sorry for myself.


  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Oh, your poor thing, I can almost feel that! Take care, stay cool if possible and talk to you in few hours for Oscar's birthday. mum xx

  2. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Oh my gosh you really are in the wars aren't you? Poor thing. Wish you had someone close by to help out.


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