09 March, 2008

Kitty love

It's been a busy week for me, probably not the best week to get kittens, but as Oscar was sick at home for two days at least they have always had company. They are settling in wonderfully and are really lovely little cats. Honey is so occupied with watching them and following them around trying to sniff their bottoms. She whines to be with them when they are upstairs. Honey is banned from upstairs as she kept stealing all the kids' toys and eating them.

Leila is still feisty with Honey and swipes at her nose which she barely seems to notice. Lily is quite happy to walk around on her front paws with Honey's nose lifting her back legs off the ground. They have very different personalities, but are both very affectionate and patient with Kit and Ella lugging them about everywhere. And it is so nice to have a little purring bundle of fur curled up on your lap, or on your shoulder, or tangled up in your wool while you knit. Right now they are going crazy running around together at 11pm, but it's REALLY windy outside, and that always seems to affect animals. And they are very carefully watching the hamsters in their wheels.

I'll be busy finishing up a few projects tomorrow and then hopefully I'll have some photos to share of all the things I've been making over the last few months. It's been so wet and dark and rainy today that it's been impossible to take decent photos. A shame as we've had positively spring like weather this week. Out in the garden the bulbs are starting to pop up through the ground. I can't wait now until I am surrounded with all the flowers I planted in the autumn. It can't be long now, as daylight savings starts tonight! So I must to bed. I hate it when you loose an hour's sleep just like that. Hopefully I can get these kittens to calm down too.

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