06 March, 2008

A tale of two kitties

I know I kind of dropped off the radar a bit this week. I had a REALLY late night on Saturday night at my friend's birthday party and have spent a lot of time catch up sleeping. Then I managed to loose my glasses for a few days...

But our fun and exciting news is these additions to our family:

As of yet nameless. Two little sisters. Very little as they are probably only 6 weeks or so.

I have been thinking of getting a cat for a while as I really miss having a cat around, even with Honey. Honey is the best dog, but she doesn't sit and cuddle with you.

And these two are real cuddle bugs.
So I went to the animal shelter, but the only kittens they had were two little black boys who were super scared, and older cats. I think it's easier to raise cats with a dog if they are really young.
As I was leaving the guy in the office said there was a woman who'd called with 3 kittens. So I went over (actually Kit was with me the whole time as he was "sick" from school). The minute I saw these two girls I knew we had a problem. I adore black cats and Kit is a sucker for grey ones. So I decided to get both. And they were free, and they've been spayed (I know, so young!).

Of course when the other kids came home from school they were beside themselves

And Honey? She loves them. She cries when she's not allowed to be in the same room with them. The little grey one is fine with Honey and lets her sniff her and lick her, but the little balck one hisses and swats at her nose. But they are getting much more used to her.
Here are the kittens in Honey's bed. They hopped in there first then Honey gently placed herself in there with them.
As for names:
I like Mist and Shadow, but Oscar hates that. Other suggestions have been:
Marzipan and Anise
Poco and Loco
Remi even suggested Hilary and Barack (Ah, NO!)
Anyone got some suggestions???
I found a good website (an Aussie one) with some good pair suggestions, and I kind of like that idea:
Kath and Kim
Ying and Yang
Coca and Cola
Not that any of those really appeal, but I know you'll have fun if you go down that track.
Right, must drag the kids away from the cats to get them ready for school.
****Edited later this evening to say we have chosen names:
Leila and Tiger Lilly, or Leila and Lilly for short.
Leila is of course the black one as Layla is night in Arabic.
These are actually two girls names that I love, and I didn't expect them to named human names, but I think they are appropriate******


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Surely Purdy I and Purdy II, but perhaps they have too many legs for such a significant name.

  2. They're so cute! I miss my African cat... Her name was Elvis. We thought she was a he at first. Might just have to get me a new one.


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