10 March, 2008

I told a little fib...

...kind of, when I said this quilt was going to someone who doesn't read my blog.
It's going to my sister in law who reads this blog all the time, but it's for her baby who can't read the blog as she hasn't yet been born. So here you go Chels, send me your new address and I'll post it off to you ASAP.

I'm really happy with how this one turned out. Kit spent some time one night pointing out all the mistakes, but hey! it's me and it's never going to be perfect. I did the binding all myself for the first time on this one. Hopefully my new little niece will get some use out of if anyway.
And I will be posting off all my miniswap gifts tomorrow (yes, a few weeks late, but we had an agreement), so watch this space if you want to see all I've been busy making for the last monthor so!


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    What a beautiful gift or a baby! It's really lovely.

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    What a gorgeous quilt and lovely gift for the baby.

  3. Im so lucky... Im so lucky... Im so lucky!!! he he!!! I love it! Fanks George...mwah!


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