I have kind of dissappeared this week. I've been busy putting together bookshelves and cabinets and sorting out my new room.

I'm still not done, and I find it really hard to be sorting through all my things without actually making anything. Above is the very dark cabinet I put together this week with the light reflecting off my birthday teapot. And more lillies, this time in a pot. I just love the smell that wafts from these.
And my other distraction...my two gorgeous little girls who spend most of the day on the bed.

Little Lilly sleeps lots during the day. The kids love her, but they pick her up all the time and now she mews everytime someone tries to pick her up. She usually sleeps with the kids, but can get quite playfull at night. She also loves to play with Honey.

The lovely Leila has really taken to me and sleeps with me at night. She's very sweet. She's had a cold since we got her and now is on antibiotics for her weepy eyes and nose.

Oscar's mostly settled in his room...he has a new bookcase and I'm going to make him a bed this weekend. I thought I'd take some photos while it is still mostly clean...We've actually moved things around since.

And I had to share this lovely treat we made on the weekend. Doughnuts, baked not fried. We used part wholemeal flour too. Recipe from here. I think Oscar over sugared them a little, but they were yummy. He also made the hole in the middle (I can't cook anything these days without him coming in and helping) by using a chopstick...he put it in and swizzled it around until the hole got bigger. They were yummo.

Have a great Easter weekend! A long one for us-4 days! Yay!
The doughnuts look yummy; sounds like Oscar is following in Matt's footsteps with the cooking! I bet he loves the new room, too. Give the kittens a hug from me cause they look gorgeous. MuM