15 January, 2008

We got dudded!

Once again the snow that was to be, wasn't. Our 4-8 inches turned into a spattering that was rained upon and all gone by about 11 o'clock. The kids were bummed that it wasn't a snow day, just a 90 minute delayed start. And because of that Ella didn't even get to do her Monday writing! Always the way.

Anyway, I dug the camera out (took me a while to find it as I haven't taken photos for so long) and took some photos of Kit and Ella in the hats I knitted recently. I'm actually not very happy with either of these hats (made both the patterns up). I knitted Ella's after I was inspired by some Peruvian hats I saw and it's covered in Alpacas (and made with alpaca wool) and Kit's was supposed to have a goovy peace sign on it but it turned out to look more like an alien.

I've never done intarsia in the round before and I wasn't prepared for how much it pulls the stitches. I even tried to full (felt) Ella's to cover it up, but that was unsucessful. Never mind, they both seem to like them. Ella's happy with any hat with earflaps and tassles. I did try to knit a hat for Matt too, but it stretched hideously when I washed it and even when I tried to full it by hand. I'm just waiting for my new washing machine (not sure when THAT'S going to happen-oh the joys of renting!) to have another going at fulling it by machine.

And here's Kit and Ella's shiny new shoes...Kit is holding his trouser legs up to show me....Ella isn't (she only grows in the legs!) Most of her pants are ankle freezers.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    That's a good photo of you Hun but haven't you been able to get rid of the lead yet? You only really need them when you are in the back of the ute.
    love to your mob
    Siss and Ros

  2. he he, Ella and her trousers, that makes me laugh!

  3. I love the alpacas. My mom was just in Peru and bought me a zip up sweater with alpacas just like that on it. Very nice.


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