19 January, 2008


Guess what's coming tomorrow??? A WASHING MACHINE! And I have only been without one for 23 days....I hope they can get past all the mountains of washing to install it.

I know I have posted photos like this before, but it still astounds me how beautiful it is in the mornings here.

We got to watch Kit and Ella's ballet classes this week. Every week I sit outside and hear all the noises, so it was nice to actually watch the class and see how much both of them have improved.
Here's Ella touching her head.

And here she is LEAPING through the air.

It's a very different style of class to what they had in Sydney; much more formal, but they both seem to really enjoy it.

And here's Kit. He's easy to spot, being the only boy. He's still really enjoying the class and it's just so much fun to watch him. Here he is stretching and in mid turn.
Another leap.

I also stayed and watched them both do Gymnastics tonight and they've really improved with that too. It's good to see.

I've been busy this week working on my hexagons again. I had some photos to upload, but unfortunately they are on the upstairs computer which is well and truely infected by a virus at the moment. I've made nearly 200 so far, but when I lay them out they still take up such a small amount of space. I'm also not quite sure how to join them. I've played with a couple of methods, but I haven't really been happy with any of them. I did a search on google, but didn't really find anything I was happy with. I was particularly surprised when I found this - my own tutorial for making hexagons...what a cheek I had in doing that! I don't even know how to join them!!!
A long weekend for us this weekend, and I'll be doing lots of washing!

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