12 January, 2008

We didn't go

Unfortunately with yesterday's weather of thunderstorms and heavy, heavy fog, Matt's flight back from South Carolina was cancelled. He ended up having to fly to Orlando and then get a flight up and didn't get home until 12.30 am. That means we had to can the trip to Vermont we had planned for the weekend. Ella cried and cried because she said she never has anything interesting to write about on Monday morning when they have to write about what they did on the weekend. So I may have to take her into the city tomorrow to give her some creative material.

Of course my cub scout bird watching lesson was pretty unsuccesful. The rain meant there were very few birds around and instead we had 10 boys trapsing around in the mud throwing sticks in the water. Today, as I look out the window, they are all back there sitting on the water. Never mind.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Throwing sticks in the water is very important, Hun you must have loved that, but is it implied(a very flash word that one) that you weren't there? Otherwise Snork couldn't have been worried about the boys losing all the sticks. Mind you it sounds as though it might have been a bit cool for really enjoyable swimming.
    And tell your little sister she could always email Grumpy and he would give her something to write about.
    Have a wild Sunday and big hugs to your mob.
    Siss and Ros


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