26 January, 2008

Random musings

I did the Australia day thing today. I thought it would be a boring thing for them, me taking in the didgeridoo, but since they all thought it was a walking stick, it turned out quite fun. I talked about the paintings on it and corrobarees (why is it these words are so hard to spell???) and I let them all have a blow. I was amused too, when one of the reading mums told me her daughter had made boomerangs which they painted with the moari dots this week too. I didn't correct her, although I probably should have.

I then popped in for a bite to eat at the only cafe in town worth going to. It's a franchise probably from California, but their food is good and not too badly priced. I went in the other day at lunch time and it was packed to the rafters, so I won't do that again. I just have an early lunch on my own. It does amuse me though that I have to ask for my coffee in a real mug (or as one of the emplyees put it the other day "you mean china?"-now that's a word I haven't heard in a long time). My dream is for some Aussie barrista who is looking for a change to set up shop here so I can have real cappucinos with a dusting of chocolate (not cinnamon) and lovely lattes with heart shapes made with the hot (but not too hot) frothy milk in a real cup without having to ask. I don't quite understand how the barrista has become such an integral part of Aussie culture....aren't there just as many Italians here? Why is it that the coffee here is so bad? Why did Australia get the coffee culture and the US get the pizza culture??? I think that's one of the things I miss about Sydney the most; being able to sit in a nice cafe with a real cappucino or latte while the kids had "babychinos". It's a funny thing, really.

1 comment:

  1. come back! Or, open your own little coffee shop in CT!!!! Show em how its done!!!!


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