I took some photos the other day. I love the way the colours become so muted in the cold. It's not grey but shades of grey.
We've had ice on the pond a few times. Honey loves to go down to the little "beach" and step gingerly on the ice. It crackles and breaks into shards under her feet and she just can't work out what is going on.

The birds circle around in the shallow pools at low tide trying to keep warm and whenever we walk up to the edge of the wall here, ducks fly out form its shelter below.

This is the ice sitting on top of the water. It often melts during the day, only to freeze again at night.

This is a supposed to be a photo of the birds taking flight against a sky pregnant with snow...geese I think, but it is rather ruined by the very large smudge which must be on the inside of my camera lens.

As I was walking Honey around, taking photos of the different shades of grey, I noticed these bright balloons up high in a tree above the graveyard. They must be from a sporting event as they are the town colours.

I took Honey in and was able to observe more greys...

...and greens....

And oranges where the leaves have just been left to decay...
It's just beautiful. It's such an old graveyard and no one goes there except deer and squirrels.
And while we didn't get the promised snow then or today, I still love the way it feels when there is snow in the air. And I love being able to appreciate the winter colours...not the vivid greens and bright blues of summer, but these more muted tones.
I've made Anzac biscuits for a little Australia day celebration in Ella's class tomorrow. I know Anzacs are for Anzac day, but they are easy and reasonably healthy. For all the Aussies out there, I hope you have a great long weekend. I'm hoping to get together with my Aussie friend for a little celebration of our own. And to finish Ella's quilt which I have been wrestling with all week...I'm trying to machine quilt it and it just keeps puckering everywhere. So it's sew and unpick, sew and unpick. The love has gone out of it a bit and I just want it finished so I can move on. Photos only when I've finished....
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