26 January, 2008

more randomness

Stacy tagged me way back when I was sick and I never got around to it. So here we go:

7 (more) random facts about MOI

1. I must rub my feet together when I go to sleep.

2. One of my favourite smells when I was young was cigarette smoke and petrol (gas) from the days when my dad would fill up the car with a fag in his mouth. Thankfully he no longer smokes, and now I can't stand either of those smells. I just remember really liking them when I was little.

3. I have 3 ear piercings in my right ear but only one in my left.

4. When I was little I hated my name. It was very unusual back then and people would always say "Georgia! That's an unusual name". To compensate I had my play name which was Melissa.

5. I love to sit by myself in public places and listen to people's conversations. Although once I was with my brother in Starbucks when I lived in Queens and we overheard these two men talking about killing people...that was a little freaky.

6. I always tell my kids that I'm still a kid. Ella believes this and always tells me how I'm more fun than other mums.

7. When I was little I was convinced that if I tried hard enough I could send messages to people telepathically. I would spend hours concentrating really, really hard. I still kind of believe that it should be possible.

So there you go...hope that was suitably random. I'm not going to tag anyone as I know some people hate to do this kind of thing. But if you want to have a go, leave a comment with a link.


  1. yes, thanks. My kids think I'm a kid too. I have 2 holes in my right ear (one on the lobe and one right in the middle of my ear) and 3 in my left.

  2. the telapathy thing... me too!!!!!! he he!

  3. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Your name is so lovely but I can relate to the comments you got about it. Poeple still can't spell my proper name these days (Surinder). I think I wanted to be called Clancy though - do you remember her from Skippy?

    I'm a terrible eavesdropper too. Which means if I met you for coffee somwhere I guess we wouldn't actaully talk to each other then!

    I can also relate to the being a kid thing too - there's many a time the boys have chased me around the kitchen with me huffing and panting .... I think that's a nice trait to have.


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