Then we came home, kicked the ball around for a while and then worked some more on Ella's handstands (which has all the boys gettting involved-Kit's itching to do some too), before we carved Kit's pumpkin. I had to help him a bit as he really only has one arm and I didn't want him cutting himself. He chose to do a skull and cross bones. Hope it lasts until Thursday. We have these cool lights you can put inside instead of candles...but they still flicker. Ella thought Lucy looked pretty spooky with a bit of uplighting...
I hope you had a good weekend!
Wow, the kids look really rugged up in their 'autummn' clothes. It's hard to believe that the weather changed so drastically. Have fun with Hallowean - I think Lucy looks like something out of Valley of the Dolls, (an old horror film) but don't tell Ella.