As predicted it's been a busy week. 4.30 am start yesterday to get Oscar up to school for the bus to Boston...and Kit and Ella's school has had their book fair, so I've been helping out there (and trying not to buy too many books...kid's books, though, are my biggest weakness). I got this version of Pippi Longstocking on Monday with illustrations by my favourite Lauren Child.

I never actually read Pippi as a child, so it's a new thing for me. But I'm reading it to Kit and Ella every night and it has the 3 of us in hysterics. Such a delight.
And speaking of things Scandinavian...the other day at the supermarket I met a woman. Ella had recognised her daughter from school (a grade younger) and as I said excuse me to get past, she said to me "you're Australian". So was she, and we got talking. I asked her how long she'd been here and she was 10 weeks in so I told her to call me and we'd have coffee. It's one of the things I love about living overseas, that you are able to be so forward and break down social barriers. Anyway, we chatted for a bit and she's married to a Norwegian and has lived there for 3 years before coming here...yay, I said, someone to speak Norwegian with. Then the girls were hitting it off, so I asked where her daughter was born..."I was born in Singapore" pipes up Ella...and guess what, so was her little girl. They were living not far from us in Singapore when we were there. And they live just around the corner from us now. She has her parents here from Aus now, but I can't wait to get together with her...at the end of our 15 minute conversation we were giving each other hugs.
And another lovely coincidence yesterday. I had to take Honey to the vet for shots, and as we were leaving we saw her brother! The vet had said he was coming and I recognised him straight away. It's funny to think that we nearly chose him, 'though he was still really hyper so I'm glad we didn't. At first Honey was more interested in the other dogs in the waiting room than him, but he couldn't get enough of her. Then they started tongue kissing, and playing and it was so funny to watch how he plays exactly the same way she does. I wonder if she knew it was him??? She's slightly bigger than him and much prettier, but it was fun to see them together.
Off to do a composting demonstration at school today. It's all scripted and I hope the kids don't ask me any questions I don't know the answer to. Then off to VT tomorrow night after we pick up Oscar from school at 7pm. STILL waiting to get our car back...may not have it for the weekend. I'm just looking forward to sitting in the hot tub our friends have installed on their new porch...it's a hard life.
See you Monday!
What an extraordinary meeting with that woman! You should get on like a house on fire!