21 June, 2007

summer solstice

Wow! That was a busy few days. I've hardly even been home...with end of school picnics and birthday parties and getting the beach pass...

But today is the start of the summer holidays...2 long months of hanging out and relaxing. Actually there will be quite a bit of tidying and sorting going on first. The kids all did very well with their reports (well, I haven't actually seen Oscar's yet as he stayed at his friend's last night-and I'm not expecting to be wowed by it), and Remi has nearly read a book since last night-he's in bed reading now. (the Pendragon series). Ella's still asleep lucky thing. I was hoping for a big sleep in this morning, but then I remembered I had to drive Matt to work. So at 4.43 am there I was BING! awake. We definitely need another car now.

So I wanted to wish you all a happy beginning of summer (I know it's not in Aus).


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I knew you were making up all that rubbish about how much you were enjoying winter....you just enjoy summer and make sure those boys get to play enough cricket.
    And will Matt be buying his Subaru ute this arvo? or wait till the weekend?
    Minus 1 here in Wentworth at the moment.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    A bit different here in feezing Tasmania with snow half way down Mt Wellington, the electricity power going off last night and having to go to bed at 9.20pm to keep warm (AND the phone line dead!)

    All is restored this morning and the sun is out!

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Should the blog description of

    Georgia now include

    "My creative outlets...driving...see anything really"


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