15 March, 2007

riding the waves

With Kit off school the last 2 days and very snuggly I have done quite a bit of work on my ripple blanket. He would snuggle under the end while I was working on it and then I'd flip it for him again. He's gone off to school today and I've had calls from both the school nurse and his teacher to let me know that he's doing well and that they are looking after him.

And here's my new colour palette for my next project. I found this gorgeous soft alpaca wool blend on sale at a web site...only $3.80 per ball down from $9 so I am thinking of doing a granny squares blanket after I've finished the one above (or maybe even at the same time...at least it's easier to carry around). I am actually itching to start, but I will try and resist for a while. I have too many projects on the go at the moment. So I'm just revelling in the gorgeousness of these colours right now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    what gorgeous colours! Glad Kit Kat is coming along nicely!


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