17 March, 2007

Did I mention...

...that last week it was balmy and spring like with 18 deg C days and we even sat out on the hammock one evening listening to the seagulls celebrating the coming of spring? I may not have.

Today we were supposed to drive up to visit Matt's brother and wife in Upstate NY. We were looking forward to getting some snow while we were up there. BUT, it's snowed and sleeted and ice-rained HERE all day. More accumulations than we've had ALL winter. It's not so cold but it is disgustingly slippery out there. Matt had to work today anyway, but didn't feel comfortable driving up in this sort of weather. Hopefully we'll go up tomorrow morning.

The kids had the day off school anyway. But they haven't really been out in the snow. We all feel a bit too sorry for Kit who can't play in the snow with his broken arm. The other 3 went out this afternoon but it was ice-rain by then which is quite unpleasant. It hurts when it hits your face. I much prefer real snow.

These two photos were taken at nine o'clock tonight. The level of snow has gone down as the ice is heavy and has compressed it all. You can see the ice (not snow) falling where the flash hits it. It was actually so light out; so much reflection, and it has such a distinctive sound. Inside the house it sounds like a fire crackling in the fire place (we're out of wood) as the ice bounces off the windows.

It really is the deepest stuff we've had this winter...4 days before the official start of spring!

And here's the ever growing blanket (which is actually bigger than the shot now) after a concerted effort watching a movie last night.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I love that picture of your house in the snow and as for the blanket it's really coming on isn't it> Lovely colour combinations.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Wow! It's reminiscent of the Quebec ice needles!!! I heard from my US students that there was snow in upstate NY, so I was wondering!


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