14 November, 2006

Night terror

We had our first experience with a night terror last night. I has seen them mentioned in books, but never paid it much attention. But at about 9pm I heard Oscar calling out that there was something wrong with Kit. He was sitting up in bed screaming and almost growling and shouting and bashing himself and the air around him. When I tried to speak to him he would just shout "NO!" and "don't touch me!" and "go away!". He got out of bed and started running around and it eventually came to me that he wasn't even awake. It was like he was possesed. I called Matt up and he just grabbed Kit and held him and rocked him until he eventually came into himself. He was so upset. It was aweful. He couldn't say it was a bad dream, had real trouble explaining it, but said it was like a lot of images all flashing past and all sorts of emotions happening at once and that he was scared of something. Matt has just sent me a link to wikipedia and that is how theyy described a night terror. Anyway, he's not well today. Has had a headache all night and now has a slight fever. It was just such a scary experience. You can imagine that in the old days people would think they'd been possessed! So I'm going to have to miss my volunteer spot in the library AGAIN! and have a lazy day looking after poor little Kit.


  1. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Poor little darling. On a practical side had he eaten anything with MSG or similar in it? Jon De Jong used to hallucinate in the midlle of the night from that. Give him a BIG HUG from me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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