Today I went out for a little trip into the local centre...very small, but there is a thrift shop there that I have been wanting to go to.
And this is what I got. The dark brown fabric is a gorgeous fine wool; a small piece of yellow gingham, some pink flowery cotton, 2 pieces of blue velvet with a pattern and a nice sized piece of gold silk. And a large piece of gold specked tissue, and the Isabel Allende book.
So how much did I pay for all of this...$5?...$2? No, 75 cents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of the fabric had prices of $1 on it which was still a bargain to me, but they were having a sale and they just kept marking everything down. Unfortunately there wasn't much else there in the way of fabric or I would have gone back for more. I have some ideas for Xmas presents...may have to get myself a sewing machine!
What a bargain! Now you're on a creative splurge, there's no stopping you! You might be able to pick up some gorgeous old 'New Englandy ' things up in that neck of the woods. I really like Isabel Allende too.