05 October, 2006

So Sick!

Curse the child that brought this cold into our house. As usually happens when I move to a new country, the new bugs like to really take a hold and my normally reasonable immune system can't cope. I can't remember the last time I had a cold like this. It's hideous. So forgive me while I crawl under a rock (or that lovely soft blanket on the couch watching all manner of crafty/DIY TV shows) and recover...


  1. ohhh that sucks George, sorry you are so sick. I havent been sick for a long while but I remember just before we left for America I got a horrible cold and was coughing so much I bruised my ribs. Didn't make for a comfortable plane trip! Hope you get better soon....

  2. Anonymous4:28 AM

    You poor love! At least the kids go off to school and you an rest all day! Was good youhel out til your dad left!

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I can't believe you hand stitched the quilt! Well done - looks lovely George.


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