So although I have been unwell, I have not been idle. For a start the furniture keeps arriving...flatpacked of course, which means that I have a callus (spelling?) on my hand from the extensive use of a screwdriver. Kit and Ella now have a cupboard for toys and Remi has a chest of drawers. This morning while we were waiting for the bus the pantry for the kitchen arrived. I've been dying for that one as there are still pots and pans all over the kitchen floor as the cupboards are full. I will have to wait until after my library volunteer orientation this morning to put that one together...mammoth job actually because I'll actually have to CLEAN the kitchen too!

And because I keep getting all this flat packed furniture, I keep getting all these lovely big chunky pieces of polystyrene (really have no idea how to spell that one!). So I have started making Lucy a bed. When we were at Bear Mountain last weekend there was a little stall that sold gorgeous wooden furniture for American Girl dolls...but $70 for a bed seemed a little excessive considering I was looking to buy beds for Kit and Ella too. So I've made one out of polythingy, tape and papier mache. And I think it's looking pretty good. I want to do a few layers to make it nice and strong and then I'll paint it. And once I'd started

making the bed, I thought that it needed a quilt. So, even though I've never made a quilt before, and even though I am the crappest cutter outer in the whole world, I got to it. I have been collecting fabric remnants for years. Lovely stuff that's too small to do much with. Anyway, here's my hand stitched quilt that actually only took a few hours to make. When I was really unwell on Wednesday I just sat and sewed (and dripped), it kind of took my mind off how miserable I felt.
Now the big question is, can I wait and give them to her for her birthday?...whenever I make something for someone I want to give it to them straight away!
Well all very clever, but what else would I expect, good to see my bed room has come to such good use and that the trucks can still find Purdy Lane, but have you had a moment to check that my photos from Rockefeller Centr, Central Park etc are still on your computer?