02 September, 2006

The first day of Autumn...

...Although unofficially as Oscar tells me. Today was like a Sydney winter's day...only got to about 18 deg. Longing for our things to come as the nights are starting to get cold and I'd like some long PJs and a snuggly doona.

We joined Costco tonight and did a big shop. It's a kind of warehouse place...you pay $50 to join for the year, but then you can buy bulk boxes of cereal and enormous jars honey etc very cheaply. So the cupboards are starting to fill up again. Probably far more exciting for us than for anyone else.

The kids found a dead swan today which made Ella cry ( I'm just thinking "bird flu?"). Then tonight one of the characters in the book I'm reading her died and she cried again (it was sad, I cried too). She said "that's the first book where someone has died. Why do they have to write that?". How do you reply to that? I tried with "to make us realise how lucky we are". Hmmm. Made me think about how lucky we are anyway.

And on a lighter note, something that amuses me; they have drive through ATMs here. I chuckle everytime I see all the cars lined up to get money out. Bizzare, non?

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