03 September, 2006


Today we caught the tail end of Cyclone Ernesto. It was about 15 degrees all day and WINDY and wet. Gusts of wind would come down the chimeny and blow ashes across the floor. I was quite happily finishing knitting Ella's scarf, Matt was reading and the kids were outside playing! Isn't it funny how most of the time I can't get them to go out when it's perfect weather and today they were out in it for hours. They'd come in soaking wet and blue and I'd have to put them in a hot shower but they kept trying to go out again once they were dry.

But it was exciting. Not only did we have rain and wind, but a killer tide. We lost half of hour lawn; our turning circle became an island where the local bird life was sheltering; Remi even said that there were minnows on the grass. We were worried for a while that the basement might flood, but fortunately that didn't happen.

And still I kept knitting and sewing the scarf. As usual it's a "made up as I go along" pattern. With two strips sewn together to try to stop it curling (and it will be extra warm). I love the yarn (85% wool, 10% silk, 5% cashmere). It's to go with the hat I made Ella back in Sydney. It was so good to be knitting again. Especially in this weather. But the thing I always find with knitting is I work really hard to finish something and then it's a dissapointment not to have anything to knit. I'm keen to try some mittens next! If the weather keeps going as it is we may need them sooner rather than later. (I've since added tassles to the ends of the scarf)

The neigh bourhood kids investigating the rising tide. Here our lawn is already tarting to be swallowed up. You can still see the gravel turning circle .

Now the turning cirlce has dissapeared leaving an island of grass in the middle.

The water is coming over the wall and onto the lawn. This is looking out to Long Island Sound.

Here the lawn on the other side of the house is well and truely swamped. Aparently this sometimes happens in winter and if the water is like that it freezes and you can skate on it...cool!

My very hand made looking scarf.


  1. NO WAY...that's freaky!!!! Were you worried at all???? Good on you for getting pics to share! I like things like that. Scarf is gorgeous as usual!!!

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Listen, when Grumpy Old Dad comes to stay in a couple of weeks I expect the weather we had last time I was in the states! Photos of floods are ok but if there is going to be real rain could you please organise it for about 150k north of Wentworth where it is actually needed.

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Wow! I can't believe the temperature has dropped so quickly from the previous heatwaves into the beginning of Winter already. But love the idea of the ice-skating. How exciting, no wonder the kids were outside- is that the big kid I can see out there too? Made me reach for the Japan and South Korean temperatures to make sure I'm packing the right gear for Jake's wedding! It still seems to be up there around 30C!!


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