03 September, 2015

A little bit of Cocoa

Geesh!  It's been a WHOLE month (again!) since I've blogged, and that long since Cocoa came into our lives.
 I had spent all of our 5 weeks away in the States feeling guilty that poor Meeka was missing us and had determined to get another dog when we got back.  In Frankfurt airport I saw an update on Facebook of 8 rescued puppies whose mother had been killed by a cobra. We arrived back in Singapore on Friday morning, and I'd arranged to meet up with the rescuer on Saturday morning.

While the puppies weren't right for us, we fell in love with Cocoa, and she was quite taken with Meeka who we had taken with us.

 By Sunday we had Cocoa in our home.  And it feels like she has always been with us,

 She's a very sweet, intelligent, well adjusted dog.  She and Meeka are only about 3 months apart in age and they get on extremely well.

A first walk mishap.
 And while she's still learning (walks are a bit tuggy, shoes are in constant peril, as one of my carpets, and she bolts if the gates are open), we love her to pieces and she's definitely made Meeka a happier puppy.

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