We're Baaack! We arrived safe and sound; although with aching backs, knees, necks (except me who has decided that from now on I'm doing long halls with a proper neck brace, rather than those stupid plane pillows. It was brilliant: best sleep I've ever had on a plane) and feeling a little jet lagged.
We got in early in the morning and it was weird to have the whole day in front of us. As we had no coffee pods for the machine, Ella and I went out to get some and had an early lunch out. I had a hankering for one of my favourite dishes here, Yong Tau Foo which is an assortment of tofu based dumpling things and other bits and pieces (that you choose and I really never have any idea what any of it is) and it's served with a soup and noodles.
Ella and I spent a lot of time trying to Loki to come out from under the bed. He was so nervous around us to begin with, although much better now. He's still super jumpy when he comes out of his compound (Ella's bedroom, my study and the connecting bathroom) as he is still being totally terrorised by the evil cat Waffle who saunters around like she owns the place. After crashing at about 7 pm on Friday night and having a really good night's sleep, Ella went off to dance and I crossed the road from the mall where she does it and took myself off for a power walk around Fort Canning. I remember well the first time I went there when we first came to Singapore and I was pregnant with Kit and we had to push Oscar and Remi in prams up the hill and carry them up the stairs. I hated it; it was hot and there were bugs and it was not something I thought I'd ever willingly repeat. I have to say though that I loved it yesterday morning. It's been developed a lot, so there's heaps to see, and toilets and water fountains, there's signs everywhere and it's the place of choice for lots of fitness groups to work out: yoga, boot camp, teams doing preseason training.
And the views are quite amazing.
Part of the draw for exercising people are all the stairs. So much easier without little kids in prams!
And while I was off doing that, Matt was off getting a car. It's a short term rental as in we just renew it monthly for as long as we want it. I desperately wanted a hatch back as all cars have to be reversed parked here and it's not something I've really ever had to do before or am very good at (hello, I learned to drive in the US where the car parking spaces are massive), and certainly never in a sedan! We went out for a drive yesterday, with Matt driving, and I was so stressed by the end of it that I don't know how long we will actually have the car for. Getting used to Singapore driving is going to be a tough one. Saturday is probably the worst day to drive anywhere here though.
Today is officially my last day of summer holiday and tomorrow I'm back at work and all that entails. Funnily enough I'm a bit nervous, which I didn't think I would be. It just feels so different to everything I've been doing for the last 6 weeks.
Welcome back to this side of the world and thanks for the glimpse of a bit of Singapore i haven't seen before. Sounds like you've adjusted back okay, but it must feel like a different world! mum xxxx