23 April, 2014


 I owe you a Tassie update, or even just a proper update to this blog. 
 Just quickly: We had a great time in Tassie catching up with Oscar and other assorted family.

 Taking photos of Ella against walls
 And just taking in the gorgeousness that is Hobart

I will share my photos, I promise.  But my beloved eldest son was very unwell with a fluey thing when we were down there, and even though I looked after him very well, he passed it on to me.  Let's just say it's been a difficult week at school; a week where I really HAD to be there for various reasons, and where today I was teaching 4 year olds with no voice.  Joy.  I hope to be recovered soon and back to normal, although with the pace things seem to be picking up at school as we head into the home stretch of the year (only 8 weeks until we head to the US for summer break- and yes, I'm counting!), I'm sure my good blogging intentions may go astray.

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