17 April, 2013

Heating up

The last few days have been unbearably hot.  It's not just that we are feeling it being back from Australia...even the locals are complaining.  Hot and humid and just HEAVY.  (This morning we had the mother of all electrical storms and the whole air smelled like an electrical fire and the kids had to go off to school with thongs and their shoes and socks in their bags as everywhere was flooded).  So even though I'm on a bit of a knitting bender at the moment, I need small quick projects that don't make me hot.  I finished Remi's hat for his trip this morning so I thought I'd have a go at making a version of "Anna's jumper" (see last post) for Lucy.

While Lucy doesn't have hips and a waist, I do love the look of this and can totally see me making one for myself....one day.  It hasn't been blocked, so the stitches are all still a bit wonky.  And I may have got a bit lost with my purl stitch crosses, but it's really hard keeping track when working with so few stitches (and the gaps for arm holes and neck holes etc).  I SHOULD have put it onto a grid or something before I started, but I just did it all from my head as I went, which meant I could sit in front of the air con and watch some telly.  I also cheated on the neck line as it was too open, so I just filled it in with some crochet.  But you get the gist.... and I get the gist, which was kind of the point.  I'm thinking she now needs a dapper little beret/tam to go with it.


  1. I love it and want one too! I also love all your photos but when I've tried to post comments it hasn't worked. Sorry you're so hot. I bet you're looking forward to Vermont? mum xx

  2. I love it and want one too! I also love all your photos but when I've tried to post comments it hasn't worked. Sorry you're so hot. I bet you're looking forward to Vermont? mum xx


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