01 March, 2013

Our little slice of heaven

I think that we are finally starting to come out of the wet season.  Bar a few big thunderstorms in the evening this week, it has been generally dryer.  Which means that we get to use our roof top deck a bit more.  This photo was taken this morning, because it was a really beautiful morning.  We love to sit up there in the evening....
...although it is a bit of an ordeal taking out all the seating cushions...
 I also bought a fantastic lamp (IKEA) with a candle.  I was worried about leaving it out in the rain, but discovered yesterday that the bigger problem is that the candle melts in the sun...

I also got some trays at IKEA so we can carry up everything we need.  That's a lot of stairs if you forget something....  We have discussed the possibility of a basket on a rope, but have yet to find the right kind of basket.

1 comment:

  1. Very, very flash...a flash deck makes such a difference to life. Bit surprised that all those cushions haven't got covers with flash art animals all over them.
    Dad (back from a trip to deliver a motorbike painting which included visiting Streaky Bay, Ellerston, Whyalla and Jamestown, yes you will need a map)


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