21 January, 2013

Feeling blue

or rather teal...
 And grey...

And dark bottle green...


  1. All very clever...I could be cynical and suggest perhaps footy team "animals" (what's the word?) may be a worthwhile area of investigation for potential topics...
    Is there any way to develop a process so that you can do multiples of the the one image? It just seems such a lot of work to produce one offs. Anyway, good stuff.

  2. Oh I couldn't bear making mascots. I think that's called selling out! I like that they are onc offs. When you do a painting, even a series of paintings, you don't try to cut corners and make them reproducible. I see these pillows as works of art that you can touch and use and really enjoy. I like that no two, even using the same pattern, are the same. I am adjusting the price on them though...,

  3. Regarding the mascots...nothing wrong with using a particular thing, animal...Swan, Eagle, Kangaroo whatever as the basis for your art, in the hope someone may get a particular joy out your interpretation of a particular animal that has a special meaning for them isn't wrong...and definitely not selling out. Of course if you were just to make magpie after magpie after magpie that could be considered ...well perhaps a bit silly, but an odd hawk, crow,etc may give someone a particular bit of pleasure to some-one... not unlike me drawing/painting a particular kelpie in a particular ute.
    Anyway I should get back to my pastel ink of Nicole's Triumph motorbike...with a bit of luck will be on my blog later today.

  4. I reckon they would sell great in Inside here! HOw many have you made now??

  5. They are great!I hope they sell well. You're most prolific ...mum xx

  6. They are great!I hope they sell well. You're most prolific ...mum xx


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