02 December, 2011

when all else fails

Sorry about the tone of my last post.  I was feeling kind of depressed when I got home from my doctor's appointment.  

But there's nothing like putting up the Christmas tree and finding all our treasures again to make me feel like myself again.

Ella is especially happy to see her Christmas snow globe collection again.  She has her collection of snow globes from around the world on top of that black cabinet in the background, but the Christmas ones only get to come out for a month every year.
 And speaking of snow globes, have your ever heard of Walter Martin and Paloma MunozSeriously, have a look at their amazingly beautiful, if slightly macabre, snow globes.  Amazing.

And speaking of collections.  This is the only collection I really have.  Snowflake ornaments.  Mostly the Met ones that they release every year.  I think I've only missed one year (maybe 2004 or 2005) since they started doing them.  I love them, but they are always slightly lost on the tree, so this year I decided to do this;
 I love LOVE how the "wish" has a shadow on the wall (actually it has 2 shadows if you look at it from the right angle) so I wanted the snowflakes to, too.
 Ella says it looks like a shop window display (now wouldn't that be a fun job to have?)
 But I like it and like the fact that every time I look at the TV I will be reminded to make a wish.

And speaking of things of a Christmas nature, I THINK this may be coming to the craft fair with me.  It was an idea I had (probably in a dream) to create a "christmas tree" for my fair to display some ornaments.  Wood with cup hooks (I'm still trying to find the smallest bit to go on top).  I'm just worried that some of the sticks will break in the transportation...If it makes it there, I will use it- once I get the boys to screw more cup hooks in for me.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you George for cheering yourself up with the beautiful snowflakes, and other Christmas decorations. The little tree looks good - hope it survives. Stay positive and if I can't manage to chat with you, have a fantastic time at the fair. xxxxx mum


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