04 January, 2011

Lucky lucky me

I am so blessed to have some very special people in my life. One of them is the insanely talented Chelsea, my gorgeous lovely sister in law. As someone without sisters of my own, I am very happy to collect sister in laws. Especially ones as talented and generous as Chelsea.

We had our mail held while we were away, and then today, I got the most lovely special Christmas present. My little mushroom doll. Isn't she just GORGEOUS!!!! Hand painted on canvas, and so totally me. LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!!



  1. he he... so cute in the snow!!!
    Bethan did a lot of the big painting and just loved making her with me. Ill send you a pic of the gingerbread doll we just made for her. So glad you love her! Always think of you with Mushies!!!! xox

  2. she is rather adorable in the snow isnt she...i saw her before she took her long flight to you...glad she made it through customs..hehe


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