05 September, 2009

It's in the bag

Well I was fairly accurate in my expectations for this week. A very busy week was had with me crawling into bed at night to be woken far too early at 6 am to get up and spend 40 minutes making 5 lunches. But I did it. And my reward is having a long weekend to recover and prepare myself for next week.

Things have actually gone pretty smoothly. The kids are fairly settled. On Tuesday I drove up to IKEA (big deal for me-first time I've driven on the freeway) to get some more bookcases and a desk for Kit. I then spent a few days putting together furniture and totally reorganising Kit and Ella's room-in between volunteering commitments and meetings. I've also been running around getting extra school supplies, jazz shoes and the like.

I also seem to have spent nearly every day running up to the supermarket for SOMETHING, which is why I was so excited when I saw this:
The FREE tutorial for it is here. I think I'm definitely going to have to make a bunch of these (in all my spare time!). I do take my green bags to the supermarket (although I don't always take enough), but I would love some of these for produce bags. I know it says to use linen but I have a bunch of unused cotton that I may have a go with (one of the pieces of furniture I got from IKEA was to enable me to sort out my knitting corner-I had a great afternoon after I got back from the gym putting together the book case thing and going through and sorting my wool stash, discovering all kinds of forgotten balls of yarn, all the while "watching" Momma Mia AGAIN. I just love that movie-so much fun).

Hope you have a great weekend, even if it's not a long weekend!


  1. Oh i want to come to your house...maybe i could help if you let me watch Mamma Mia with you????? We are so Sick of all the rain...rain....rain...and more rain.... but i guess it will soon be summer
    Now i shouldnt be like that wishing the seasons away...Helen Keller said "If we are always looking towards tomorrow we never enjoy today" ....mmmm so do i enjoy the rain?????

  2. Im sick of the rain too mum!!! Mum and I are itching to get to Ikea with Dad's ute next year!!!!! Kids room looks great. We need a kids bookcase too, we have wooden boxes and dodgy bookcases doing the job now! And the quilt... genius!


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